Welding Technology


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November1955Started business as a manufacturer of electrical contacts
December1958Established OBARA Engineering Products in Nihonbashi, Tokyo
Started manufacture of resistance welding electrodes
April1963Nagoya Office
August1966Started manufacture of resistance welding guns and cables
October1966Osaka Office
February1969Moved head office to Nishirokugo, Tokyo
October1970Oyama Office
March1971Plant in Ayase, Kanagawa
Established SpeedFam Co., Ltd. as a joint venture with SpeedFam USA
October1976Kyushu Office
December1979Started manufacture of arc welding equipment
March1982Started manufacture of transformers
May1982Started manufacture of controllers
August1987Established OBARA USA in Detroit
September1987Established OBARA Korea
October1988Plant in Cincinnati, USA
July1990New Plant in Yamanashi, Japan
August1990Hiroshima Office
September1990Established OBARA Malaysia
March1994Established a manufacturing plant in UK
May1994Moved Head Office to Ayase, Kanagawa
December1994Established OBARA Nanjing
December1995Acquired ISO 9001 certification
October1996OBARA USA became a local US company
Established OBARA Thailand
March1998Expansion of Yamanashi Plant
June1998Became an OTC company at current JASDAQ
Acquired PSL in order to start laser welding business
September1999Acquired Yoko Sangyo in Hiroshima, Japan
October1999Established OBARA Europe in UK
August2000Acquired 100% share of SpeedFam Co. Ltd.
September2001Established OBARA Shanghai
October 2002Established OBARA Mexico
February2003Established OBARA Laser in Japan
August2003Established OBARA Australia
May 2005 OBARA Europe transformed to OBARA UK Branch
March2006Established OBARA India
August2005Listed at Tokyo Stock Exchange
February2008Estabulished OBARA Russia
March2008Oyama Office moved to Utsunomiya
March2009Acquired ISO 14001 certification
October2011Company renamed from "Obara Corporation” to “Obara Group Inc.”
The company was split to a holding company and a newly established “Obara Corporation.”

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